

Scutech Named as One of the 100 Most Promising Big Data Application Solution Providers Two Years in a Row

Scutech features in the list for its expertise in providing big data security solutions and it is the only independent DR and backup solution providers in the list.

Recently, Scutech has been ranked in the list of “100 Most Promising Big Data Application Solution Providers in 2017” by China Internet Weekly, a print magazine that focuses on business revolution driven by Internet technology development. It’s the second time that Scutech has been ranked in the list with BAT, China’s three big data leaders (Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent).

For further information on the listing, please go to https://www.toutiao.com/i6527593580922405389/ to learn more.

Scutech specializes in areas of  data backup, disaster recovery and copy data management. It provides solutions, consulting services and technical support teams in these areas for their clients. Scutech has also built products tackling data security issues and copy sprawl problems. Its product, DBackup is enterprise-level security software that integrates data backup & disaster recovery and high availability all in one. While its new product InfoSemper has achieved real CDM (Copy Data Management), which helps organizations remedy copy sprawl problems and add additional business value to the copy data.


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