

Scutech guarding medical data security for Qianfoshan Hospital

   A large hospital generates a large volume of data every year, medical imaging alone generates up to 20 TB of data. These data could improve efficiency and quality of management and diagnosis if utilized properly; otherwise it will cost lots of investments and becomes a burden. Under such background, Scutech is required to provide a data protection solution for Qianfoshan Hospital in Shandong Province.


   Qianfoshan Hospital was founded in 1960 and started from the health care of cadres in Shandong Province. Since 1970s, it turned into a provincial general hospital and has been granted many honors and titles since then.

   In terms of its information construction, clinical information systems such as HIS, PACS, RIS and LIS are widely applied to either improve operational efficiency or to optimize therapeutic effect and store original data for potential medical disputes. However, currently there is no efficient protection for such systems; therefore, the hospital has required Scutech to provide a comprehensive and high-performance backup system to secure data.


   It will deploy an InfoKist at vital areas of the server and bind multiple Emulex Virtual Fabric Adapters using Etherchannel technology to improve system reliability. It installs a proxy on application servers and backs up databases to backup server according to backup strategy. Oracle exadata database will be backed up via Emulex Virtual Fabric Adapters at up to 600 MB/s average backup speed.

Advantages and characteristics

1.    Comprehensive system protection with ease of operation

   In case of an OS orapplication failure, InfoKist can instantly recover it and prevent data loss.

2.    Optimal ROI

   InfoKist integrates its hardware and software into one product and significantly saves initial investments; its management mode based on B/S architecture can reduce costs and provide easy approach to operation and maintenance management.

3.    High availability and high security

   Its high-availability structure guarantees business continuity and a smooth and efficient operation of key applications. It also applies multiple security authentications to maximize data security.

   With the data protection program, the hospital can set up backup task via the web interface. Backup methods include full backup, incremental backup, differential backup and log backup, the admin can customize the backup strategy to better meet their demands. Backup data will be compressed and uploaded to backup server to reduce network traffic. The admin can also verify the availability of backup data by periodically performing automatic disaster recovery drills.


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