

Developing domestic disaster recovery, Scutech committed to be China’s Veritas

When asked about why he started business in China, James (Zijun) Wang, the founder of Scutech Corporation, said: “Storage industry has been a weak spot in China’s IT industry. Not a single domestic company could match foreign giants like Veritas or EMC. 95% of disaster recovery products used in China are made-by-foreign-companies, I wanted to start a business in China and. My goal is to develop a Chinese version of Veritas.”

Back then, the domestic storage market was almost empty. The data catastrophe caused by Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 touched him a lot. The next year, he went back China and started Scutech. He spent three years working with his team on product developing and gradually expanded their business. Right then, CEC was building an autonomous and controllable complete industry chain. CEC believed that Scutech could fill in the void of disaster recovery and decided to fund CEC. Scutech took the opportunity and officially became a member of the national team of information security. James has also been poaching best talents from BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, three giant Chinese network companies), providing them with a much more appealing professional future.

By the end of 2014, Scutech has started to build a sales team and by 2015, its disaster recovery solution has been applied in key industries such as State Grid and Guagndong Post.

DBackup 6.0 matching NBU?

According to Scutech, there are three highlights of the newly released DBackup 6.0: firstly, it is one of the few products in the market that support hot backup of Informix, MySQL and other databases; secondly, it achieves CDP disaster recovery, constantly monitors IO changes and can instantly recover to any checkpoint; thirdly, it backs up data in D2T mode instead of traditional D2D2T mode, significantly reducing network occupation and time.

Also, compared with NBU, DBackup has six “supports” which NBU doesn’t: supports hot backup, incremental backup and log backup of MySQL; supports backup and recovery of open virtualization platforms such as Xen and XenServer; supports deployment on domestic CPUs; supports backup and recovery of domestic operating systems; supports online backup and recovery of popular domestic databases. In addition, in terms of backup efficiency, take Oracle, 234GB as an example, the compression rates of both products are similar, but Scutech shows advantages in terms of backup and recovery speed.

Note: This article is quoted from China Electronics News, the author is  Li Jiashi. Link: http://ee.ofweek.com/2016-05/ART-8120-2812-29101973_2.html


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