

2016 Scutech Customer Conference Successfully Held in Guangxi

On May 7 2016, the 2016 Seminar on Information Security Protection Technology and 2016 Customer Conference of Scutech in Guangxi was successfully held in Mingdu International Hotel, Nanning. Scutech and Surfilter joined hands and cohosted this event.

As internet security and data security have been more significant than ever to current enterprises, with the widening use of internet, many enterprises have gone paperless and store all information on the cloud. However, despite its great convenience it has brought for business life, potential data leakage lies in the shadow as well. Not to mention many government institutions and enterprises use foreign data security products, the lacking of independently developed data security products threatens enterprise information security continuously. Speaking of which, a leader from Public Security Department expressed his genuine hope upon Scutech and Surfilters that they can continue developing independently better and stronger products and services.

Later on, the chief technology officer in south China of Scutech gave a demo of Scutechs products. It customizes different data protection systems for different corporate environments, ensuring data security. Its continuous innovation has been highly recognized and appraised by attendees, many have shown great interests in future cooperation.

As the significance of data has been well recognized by many, how to safeguard the data of our enterprises has been a problem every CIO has to consider. On the other hand, Scutech is committed to providing custom data protection solutions for its customers and help its customers become a master of the times of data instead of a victim.


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