奇米在线7777在线精品,久久午夜神器,久久精品国产99国产精2020丨 http://m.hdlipin.com/en Fri, 09 Jan 2015 09:31:53 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.16 Typical Customers http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=1744 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=1744#respond Wed, 26 Dec 2012 09:31:22 +0000 http://m.hdlipin.com/?p=1744

The E-government System

Hanyang District Government, Wuhan

Changjiang Nanjing Waterway Bureau

Department of Culture of Guangdong Province

Department of Commerce of Hunan Province

Longyan Municipal Bureau of Finance, Fujian

Longyan Public Security Bureau, Fujian

Department of Civil Affairs of Guangdong Province

Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, Guangdong

Data Center of Department of Water Resources of Heilongjiang Province

◆ Medical Systems

Anxiang People's Hospital of Hunan

The People's Hospital of Sanya

The Second People's Hospital of Haixi State

The Second People's Hospital of Chifeng City

Liangzhou Hospital of WeiwuCity, Gansu

General Hospital of Jingyuan Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd.

The Tenth People's Liberation Army Hospital (Gansu)

Traditional Chinese medical hospital of Wanzai County, Jiangxi

Women&infants Hospital of Zhengzhou

◆ Enterprise Big Data

Chifeng Red Soft Technology Co., Ltd.

Xiamen Xiashing Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Anhui Light Industries International Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Wonders Infomation Co., Ltd.

Jinzihao (Fujian) Combustion Equipment Co., Ltd.

Industry Cluster of Yanjin County

◆ Digital Campus

University of Science and Technology of China

Fujian Institute of Electronic Vocational Skills

Dongguan Changping First Primary

Foshan Sanshui Education Bureau

Examination Center of Shandong Province

Shantou University

Housing Authority System

Xiamen Real Estate

◆ Large chain

Ramada Plaza Tian Lu

Sunda International

◆ Power Systems

Baotou Donghua Thermal Power Plant

◆ Value-added Services Operators

Chaozhou Telecom

◆ Others

Guangxi Nanning TV Station

Shanghai Library

The above is only part of the typical customers

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