欧美性生交xxxxx久久久,狼狼综合久久久久综合网,男女边吃奶边做边爱视频 http://m.hdlipin.com/en Tue, 26 Mar 2019 02:38:36 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.16 Scenarios http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=4481 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=4481#respond Sat, 10 Feb 2018 05:14:19 +0000 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=4481 Rapid Recovery of MassiveFiles

Rapid recovery of massive files such asgraphics, images, videos, text, etc. in production environments including financial bills, hospitals, libraries, archives and electric dealers isprovided. Therefore, in the event of data failure and other incidents, business continuity can be guaranteed.

1. Difficult Points:

A: Periodical full backup cannot be applied inmassive data scenario.

B: Unable to prepare enough storage space for standby environment.

C: Long recovery time with conventional recovery methods after massive data failure.

2. Solutions:

A: InfoSemper adopts “Initial Data+Incremental Data” data capture strategy to generate the full data in different time periods after data integration in the storage end, which replaces the routine full backup.

B: InfoSemper stores near real time production copies with no requirement for storage standby environment.

C: Linked clone technology is applied in InfoSemper to rapidly generate recovery copy and instantly restore it to the production environment through mounting. The entire recovery process can be completed in minutes.

Rapid Recovery and Migration of Business Data

Oracle and SQL Server are business databases frequently used by enterprises. In order to ensure business data security, protection system is built in enterprises which covers backup, CDP,real-time DR, etc. Meanwhile, to ensure business continuity, database operation environment needs to be updated periodically.

1. Difficult Points:

A: A variety of data security products need tobe maintained.

B: Although all data protection products canrestore data, there are some deficiencies among these products.

C: When a device is upgraded, it takes a longtime to migrate data, and it also affects the business in the production environment.

2. Solutions:

A: InfoSemper leverages Incremental Backup technology, CLRP and other data capture technologies to ensure both point-in-time data protection and real-time data acquisition. Therefore, InfoSemper will meeta variety of data security needs.

B: InfoSemper utilizes copies and logs for data recovery which realizes point-in-time recovery as well as real-time recovery, and ensures data consistency.

C: InfoSemper greatly reduces cutover time of production data by first migrating data from the latest point to a new server and then rolling new log information forward. Data migration process doesn’t interfere with business operation as it has nothing to do with the production environment.

Data Use in Non-ProductionEnvironment

Enterprises need to develop new information management system, build test environment that resembles production environment and set up internal or external business training platform. In order not to interfere with business operation and data security in production environment, production data are often provided by maintenance staff for non-production environment use.

1. Difficult Points:

A: When production environment data are acquired, the business operation of production environment will be affected.

B: Data cannot be updated in a timely manner and data re-export is needed after business system update.

C: Manual processing is required for non-production data which increases the operational and maintenance costs.

D: When there is a large amount of data in the production environment, it is impossible to prepare sufficient transit storage space.

2. Solutions:

A: Without interfering business in production environment, InfoSemper is based on online data capture which only captures changed data and consumes less production resources.

B: New data after the system upgrade will be acquired through periodical data replication in InforSemper.

C: InfoSemper's copy management is accomplished through task configuration in the system which greatly reduces manual intervention.

D: InfoSemper supports data creation in a data storage server to non-production environment by linked clones or full clone, and no additional storage space is needed.

http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?feed=rss2&p=4481 0
Benefits http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=3473 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=3473#respond Fri, 15 Jul 2016 02:00:47 +0000 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=3473

Instant Data Recovery

Instantaneous recovery is realized through mounting and TB data can be recovered in minutes.

Oracle database supports instant recovery at any point in time.

Instead of applying physical data replication, mount recovery data from a linked clone is used to produce recovery data within a second without affecting the original copy data.

Data Multi-Dimensional Application

Copy data at the same point can be provided for various scenarios through linked clones.

The data production process can be traced through mount recovery of different point-in-time data of the same copy.

Data emergency use in the production environment is provided. Business continuity is guaranteed through instantaneous recovery in the event of a breakdown.

Supports transfer station composed of data after copy mounting to perform P2P, P2V, V2V, and V2P data migration.

Supports full clone of copy data which provide clone data for third-party development, test, and training without affecting the original copy data.

Efficient Data Protection

To avoid a long time consuming of the production bandwidth resources by a periodical full backup, only one-time full data acquisition is needed.

Forever Incremental Data Acquisition improves new data capture and real-time data.

Incremental Data Acquisition with fewer data can effectively reduce the consumption of computing resources, business network resources, and storage & read-write resources.

Base on “Initial Data+Incremental Data” data capturing strategy, full data protection of massive data can be conducted once per day.

A large amount of storage space can be saved through snapshot management based on data synthesis.

Supports comprehensive protection of structured and unstructured data.

http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?feed=rss2&p=3473 0
Feature Spotlights http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=3469 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=3469#respond Fri, 15 Jul 2016 01:54:38 +0000 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=3469 InfoSemper is the first national product that realizes real CDM and integrates data backup, data instantaneous recovery, and data multi-environment applications. InfoSemper solves traditional data protection problems such as long backup time window and recovery delay. Meanwhile, it reduces storage space and makes full use of storage data.

Accurate Data Capture

After the initial full data replication, data changes of client resources are constantly monitored, incremental data are accurately captured, and high-speed data transmission is achieved through multi-channel technology to greatly reduce data capture time window and footprint of business resources.

Virtual Merging

The virtual merging of full data and incremental data is realized through data index redirection technology, which solves problems brought by traditional data synthesis. Physical replication is adopted in traditional data synthesis which creates disk movement with a large number of data blocks and triggers increased I/O load of storage space.

Multicopy Management

Every new copy is a combination of incremental data and the "golden copy” which is based on the initial full backup. Multiple copy data of the same copy at the same time point can be created through snapshots and clones for the various business environment.

Instantaneous Recovery

Based on copy data stored in the system, users can create linked clone at selected recovery time point, set up recovery virtual volume, use linked clone data to rapidly build recovery data in a virtual volume, and then restore the data to the designated restoring target server by means of volume mounting to realize immediate data usage.

Any Point in Time Recovery

For Oracle database, rapid recovery at any point in time can be realized through Continuous Log Real-time Protection(CLRP) technology.

Supports Read-Write Operation of Mount Data

The data can be rapidly restored to the production environment or non-production environment by means of mounting. Read-write operation of mount data by users can be used for emergency use, data migration in the production environment as well as data analysis, dev & test, and business training in the non-production environment.

http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?feed=rss2&p=3469 0
Software Environment http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=4580 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=4580#respond Thu, 14 Jul 2016 05:43:26 +0000 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=4580

1.1 Master servers /Storage Server Platforms

● Ubuntu Server

1.2 Clients

1.2.1 Windows

1.2.2 Linux

● Red Flag Asianux

● Red Flag DC

● Red Hat Enterprise Linux

● Oracle Enterprise Linux

● CentOS

● openSUSE

● SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

● Neokylin Linux Server

● Ubuntu Server

● Debian

1.2.3 UNIX


● Solaris


1.2.4 Nationalized Operating System

● YHKylin

● Kylin

● NeoKylin

Linx secure operating system

Linx rocky secure operating system

iSoft Server OS

Inspur K1 UNX operating system

1.3 Databases

● Oracle

● SQL Server


1.4 Virtualization Platforms

● VMware vSphere

http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?feed=rss2&p=4580 0
Introduction http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=3465 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=3465#respond Wed, 13 Jul 2016 01:50:50 +0000 http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?p=3465 InfoSemper is a data protection appliance independently researched and developed by Scutech to achieve real CDM (Copy Data Management). Private interface of client application resources is used in InfoSemper to capture data such as files,databases and VMs in production environment. Multi-copy management system is established based on snapshot data. Instantaneous data recovery is realized through mounting, which can be used for production environment emergency and non-production environment development, test, and data analysis.

http://m.hdlipin.com/en/?feed=rss2&p=3465 0
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